DAY 2: Things That Makes You Happy

im not forgetting this challenge, for sure. just the whole day been cursing this laptop cuz it's not doing its job. but yea, made it to here.


for something that is so obvious to me, the answer is yes: kids. i can be super emotional looking at these photos of me and them. my eyes are sweaty, my heart melts. i mean, in a good way tho. they make me happy, really happy. not happy like if u got a candy or what, but it feels like there is joy in meeting these souls. the connection that is established by first looking through their eyes, hugging them, talking to them is indescribable. pure, raw, innocent, honest: providing the energy of joy and happiness. this is a major matter to make me become one happy soul. but to have been living 17 years on this planet, i have discovered - will always discover - lots of things honestly to boost my mood, make myself happy.

a good book,
sweet popcorn,
morning bikes or chloe ting,
a mama hug,
reply 1988,
a sexy dance,
a freak dance,
evening reflection,
a trip with the fam,
a nap,
nadin amizah songs,
chicken skin,
a text from dear friend asking about my day, 

and i promise you so many more in the list. but here's the thing, imagine putting a candle on top of a birthday cake that will make everything perfect, it is the very simple conversation i have with myself, family and friends, and God that make everything 100. if i could sum up all the mentioned things, love and quality time make me the happiest (but also let's not forget about the food).