DAY 5: Your Parents

Hi, Pa, Ma. I'm sitting on my bed now, in front of this thing illuminating my room with its blue light, holding myself back to not shed tears. I am overwhelmed by the scenery: the photo of you both and the title 'Your Parents.' Giving a stare only for a second to this scenery has provided me with moments to recall thousands of memories, split second abducting me to a loop of reminiscence. It's like recorded moments inserted in a tape were played on an immense screen then showing me all the scenes from the past. Do you want to know what is dominantly coloring the sights in my head? Do you want to know what it looks like? It is safe to say that this is the best movie I've ever watched. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. But unfortunately the feelings would not be the same for them. I've tried to recall a snippet of bad memories you both have given me. All the scolds, curses, or anything unpleasant to me. I failed the first try, then I could remember. All these nightmares - that certainly had happened to me - have been struck down to the deepest core of what my mind could see, buried by all the cumulative sweet remembrance. Two of you have been the greatest blessing in my life. I’ve been always wondering why God has placed me within this family. Maybe one of the many reasons is because you both had met. Two beautiful individuals, custom-made, connected and married. The legacy of the two named Legacy. No less beautiful, I wish.

Pa, Ma, the biggest fear in my life is to lose you both. But trust me, your daughter has grown a lot. She will soon understand that the end of life does exist and it is inevitable. She actually hates talking about this. Ma, please live long enough, you are my best debate mate. Let's continue to have years of brawling. And through all those years, I promise you with countless kisses and hugs, love and affection. Pa, please live long enough, you are my best chat mate. Let's continue to have years of conversations. Be it about politics, law, or life. I honestly need to listen more from you, your thoughts about life. Pa, Ma, let's be friends. I want to know what you feel, and so want you to know what I feel. Pa, Ma, let’s have more time to cherish our life, living it to the fullest. Let’s have more time to treasure one another, treat ourselves with love and kindness. And Pa, Ma, let’s have a happy life. No matter how short or long it will be. I love you both with all my heart.