DAY 6: Single and Happy

I am confident that I am capable and professional enough to write today's page as my track record is showing me that I've been working on myself as a 'single' for almost 2 decades: 17 years. Yet one thing that worried me is I don't actually know if I am single and happy. Or I am happy because I am single. Or I am single because I am happy. You know? Whatever. 

Regardless, any way you wish to name me, be it single or taken, at the end of the day it's just a label. It's a status. You could be having a crush on a gymnast-muscular-big guy, and he apparently has the same feeling towards you (which is lucky you), but you two don't have the so-called 'taken' status, the fact is you could still simply be a happy person. It works on the other way around. Minor sum up: the status of your relationship should not determine your happiness. 

What makes me become overly complicated is that the title really talks about being single and happy as if they are connected. Does it want me to actually write about whether I'm single and I'm happy? Why have I asked too many questions? Well, yeah. I am single (technically, and based on how people usually call it) and I am happy. I am single because I have never been in a relationship with any guys (technically, again). And I am happy because I am alive, my loved ones are alive, I have hopes, and I deserve love and kindness. None of the reasons why I am happy leads to the fact that I am single. Besides, I am still single and I am still happy.

Talking about being single, - however you define it, but my definition has been revealed so clearly before this paragraph - I honestly love being free, in a way that I am not tied up into one particular relationship, specifically: dating. Even though I would still want to be free once I meet my significant other. Also the idea that you will have someone pretty much 24/7 besides you - that's what I've been seeing - I am so curious. idk I've never even dated someone. That's why I've been drrrrreaming about it. It's awkward to say. But really, who has not? The vision in my head about what type of romance my relationship would be is like a movie, fable, fairy-tale. Sweet and sexy. Like always having butterflies in your stomach. Rainbows filling the sky. Ice-cream all day. Kind of don't believe there's bitterness mixed in one whole story. I know, even those pains exist in movies, evil words scripted in the actors' lines, and possibilities to witness sad endings. Not all movies lead up to a 'happily ever after' closing. And after all those realizations, I wish to remain happy. As I become bold in the very beginning: the status of your relationship should not determine your happiness.