what's next?

"why we are created to this world, isn't it only God who knows it? as He is the creator? why are people so rushed to know their purpose in life? what's next? what's next after finding out the 'why'?"

and those questions gave birth to one other: "how do you even know if u've found out?"

i asked mr rico. he asked me back if i know the story of Noah. what has he done? created an ark. what for? for saving his life and his fam's. who ordered him? Jesus! then i suppose i know the answers to my wonders, he said. if noah has not been given a 'purpose' for his life, he wouldn't have been able to save his and his fam's life, as well as fulfilling God's other requests. what distinguish the story to our nowadays life is that God didn't literally asked us to build an ark! he then asked me to mention one example of building an ark in our nowadays life. i couldn't find one, especially personal ones. it's the same thing like asking about the purpose of my life. and im yet to discover them.

i ask my bestfriends. they said what's next after finding out your purpose is a happy life, peaceful one. even if u die, u die without regrets.

one thing i know for sure. the answers to my questions should be found only by me. there's no valid and 'all-size' answer.


this question quivered me out as so many people has asked me to find out my purpose. too many. i think its not something u find in ur planned time, like searching for an answer to one biology question, u go google it and u find it. the same way goes to 'passion'. too many, it became familiar. people really have the tendency asking me to find out my passion. its so silly to finally ask these questions out. to wonder. and to question. because the answers are random.

why we are created to this world, it surely is only God who knows exactly the answer. as the biggest secret the heaven holds revealed to us humans, maybe we would know one day. how do you know if you have already known ur purpose? maybe you just knew, right away. no logic explanations. u just knew it. it is what it is.

why are people so rushed to find out their purposes? well, its their choice i believe.

what's next after finding out the 'why'? you will only know the answer after actually finding out the 'why'. whats the matter of thinking how it will look like later? it's unimaginable.

see? all these questions merely lead to uncertain answers. time will answer.