why do i come back?

hi. i know, i know it's awkward, real awkward. i just read my first post and didn't even make it until the end :D idek honestly why did i put the title as like i wanted to leave people wondering about why i come back blogging, as like it's a mysterious thing, and as like anyone will actually do care? but, my first intention from the very LAST YEAR - yeahhh last year, isnt it crazy? - the first time i start this blog, still remains the same: i want to tell stories of mine without having to care about anything: grammar mistakes, punctuation, or basically any possible errors! so hopefully what people might think about whatever i write in this blog will be the least thing for me to put on my 'concern-list'.

i just discovered - more like rediscovered - that i like writing sm! i have been journalling quite a lot recently. and tonight as i have just done showering, i took my laptop out intending to do lesson plan for teaching purposes, but somehow i managed to go thru chrome and opened this blog. it's dusty. i changed some of the things about this blog, though it doesnt seem like a brand new blog, but now i feel way more comfortable in putting my writings here. i am not making promise about everything and anything. i know i love writing and i know i will come back any time soon! never wait.