2020 was a blessing. I was blessed, completely.

I am sharing this from a magical island located on the northside of Sumatera, Samosir. A place where my father has grown up. Toba lake sits right behind his home colored as blue as the sky, they almost merged but thanks to mountains and hills, as far as you can see, there will be green between two blues. A mile away from the lake, a herd of buffalo are peacefully eating grass. The wind blows hard while the sun is doing its job, showering this heaven on earth with warmth and light. I am not lying, this is a blessing. At least for me personally, cause now I'm here. But wherever you are, don't you think you have received enough blessing?

I still remember early on this year how I cursed the year, how quickly I judged it without slowly processing, being grateful, and witnessing until the end. I didn't really understand how the universe was going, how God was doing. And to be real honest, no one really does? But one big takeaway from this year, I learnt, was to pause for a while and then process. I learnt the art of sitting still, closing the eyes, and just simply breathing. I studied myself a lot more than anything, more than ever before. So what did I find? I found bravery, faith, love, and a bit more of myself. I found peace in writing and reading, the whole manifestation of contemplating and reflecting. I think I love myself more this year. I love the people around me more this year-my family, my best friends, my students, my relatives, these are the ones that I've never once skipped praying for. I love puppies and fried chicken more this year. And I love God more than ever. I value this even more.

2020 was much, but it was also enough. I want to learn not to judge and to compare this year from the previous ones, I knew exactly every year has its own pains and gains. I want to learn instead to just be grateful and pick some points to learn in order to grow. 2021 will be another year of blessing, I believe. Let's see what will be presented to us, to me. And how we will manage to survive.