say cheese!

i like how life these past few weeks has been vibrant. i re-learn again the fact that i love being with people. i cherish the enjoyment of feeding my extrovert soul by hanging out as much as the exhaustion it gives at the end of the day. i, weirdly enough yet voluntarily, love doing chores i never once loved. i kinda like my new habits and routines here. waking up to nobody but myself, sometimes fighting with my thoughts about things i should decide on (whether to wear oversized jeans or tight formal pants, to skip breakfast or to swallow chocolate cereals with almost stale milk, to walk or to order gojeqq). i like how i take care of my belongings and errands all by myself. i like it being in my own space and busy doing endless assignments. i kinda like it when my brain does this simple calculation and budgeting before every purchase occurs, cause now im officially #anakkosan. 

i think these are all parts of the journey, and it’s gratifying to think that im actually growing through this beautiful process. i really can’t wait to reach the finish line and look back and be like “now i know why things happened the way they happened!” but guess what, as much as im curious about what has yet to come, im deeply grateful for now, the present moment. welcoming every day with excitement has been the theme of my life lately. i like it!

so as life has been exuberantly appealing, i want to take a moment to capture my feelings, to capture the vibes and colors of my life. a sentence is like a tool for me to snap it, words are like my camera. so, . . . three, two, one. sayyy cheeesee!

“im ecstatic, grateful, and hmm kind of sleepy”